Moving to a new house, in a new town, are big changes; now add a new state. After getting engaged, my fiancé and I decided to start our journey together in his home state of Minnesota. I moved from California where all my family lives and decided to start this new journey.

When I first had thoughts of possibly being pregnant, I had no idea where to go or who to talk to since all my family was so far away. I had just moved here; I had no insurance and I had just started my new job.  I went on Google to see if I could find anywhere that would offer pregnancy tests for a lower cost.  That’s when I came across TLC and decided to get in contact with them.

Andrea reached out to me to schedule a pregnancy test and then my first ultrasound.  I went into the center that same week and was greeted by Kelly, who’s kindness made me feel safe and at home. She was the one who set up my classes and appointments, did my pregnancy test but most importantly was there for me when I needed someone the most. She eased my concerns and provided me with all the information and help she possibly could.

Kelly offered me mentoring and parenting classes through TLC and asked me if I was interested. This was a great help because as I mentioned before, I have no family here and as a first-time mom this was the most helpful blessing to me.

On my next visit in for classes, I was introduced to my mentor Jess.  She has not only been an amazing mentor, she is also an amazing person. I can rely on Jess and text her whenever I have pregnancy related questions. Going to TLC every Wednesday, to watch videos and learn how my pregnancy is progressing, has become part of my weekly routine. It’s helpful to learn how my baby is developing and growing while I am earning the things I’ll need for my baby.   I love going into the baby boutique and seeing all the little clothes and items that await my baby’s arrival.  Because of the opportunity to learn and earn at TLC, I will have all the things I need for this little one.

I get home excited about what I learn each day and tell my fiancé all about it.  As a result, he became interested in attending classes with me.  Since that day, he has attended every class with me. This has made us feel closer to our baby and to each other.

There was a language barrier initially and the staff at TLC acted fast.  They offered our videos and classes in Spanish so my fiancé and I would feel more comfortable and understand everything fully. We look forward to attending every class and ultrasound appointment.

Thanks to TLC, we have helpful knowledge that will prepare us for the arrival of our baby. After our baby is born, we hope to keep attending classes and do everything possible to be the best parents.  TLC does their best too, in helping us throughout this beautiful, new journey.

We are beyond blessed and grateful.

Mariah and Marcus (names changed to protect client confidentiality)