Make a commitment to pray for our center and clients. Will you pray for our advocate and her client in the moment of decision? We will occasionally text you specific prayer requests when we have a client in need.

Become a mentor
Mentors are the heart of our ministry. Mentors work one-on-one with clients throughout their pregnancy and up till their child turns 2. Mentors do pregnancy and parenting classes with clients through the Brightcourse video curriculum, giving clients the education and confidence to become a successful parent. Training is provided; we will equip you to provide compassionate support for expectant parents.

Become a Partner for LifeMonthly Giver
Monthly donors help us budget for the needs of the center with the confidence that our financial resources are strong.

Host a Baby Shower
Our baby shower hosts are a two-fold benefit to our work. First, by inviting your family, friends, neighbors or small groups into your home (or the TLC Center) you help us share our mission with people in the community who may not know about us or the work we do. Second, by bringing a baby gift or a gift card along to the shower, they are helping us stock the shelves of our Baby Boutique. Your gift cards and baby gifts provide all the items needed for a baby and mom to have what they need in the first weeks and months of life together.